Different levels of IT Tech support

Different Levels of IT Tech Support

Nowadays, the vast majority of businesses outsource their computer and networking needs. It’s simply too cost effective to ignore. The savings can be invested in other areas of the business and help it to continue to grow. One of the areas in which businesses outsource is their technical support. This is a vital area of any business model operating on the Internet. Which is why it is important to have reliable managed IT cloud solutions providers like Pathway Communications.

It should be noted that businesses operating virtual stores rely on technical support more than anyone likely realizes. When customers have problems finding a product, they contact tech support. If they have an issue with payment, they contact tech support. Questions regarding products after they arrive will also be channeled through tech support. Customers do not want to know why the site is not working, they simply want the problem solved. That’s where Pathway Communications comes in. We manage your technical support systems through managed cloud hosting.

How is Tech Support Delivered?

Tech support can be delivered by many different means. Depending upon the needs of your customers and scope of your system, they can be delivered in the following means:

  • Phone
  • Live Chat Support
  • Email
  • Knowledge Bases
  • Text

Any of the above methods can be effective, based upon the needs of your customers and your employees. There may be different channels depending upon the specific set of circumstances the end user is experiencing. That’s where tech support can escalate or deescalate the situation to best correct the problem.

What are the Different Levels of Technical Support?

It is important tech support be a well-structured system. This means thoroughly testing to ensure any scenario can be handled. Pathway Communications ensures every contingency be planned to ensure seamless problem solving for the best possible user experience. There are considered five levels of technical support. They are listed below:

  • Pre-support
  • Self-services
  • First Line Support
  • Second Line Support
  • Third Line of Support

With managed cloud computing solutions, Pathway takes care of all tech support needs.


Many users who experience a problem rely on the ever-present Google. There they can find out if other customers have had the same problems and if they were resolved. Social media can be the devil at times. It is a double-edged sword, cutting both ways.


The next level of tech support is known as self-service or self-help. This allows customers and users access to self-help wikis, knowledge base links, and FAQ pages which can offer tips on how to address the current problem. This is typically the most frequently reported problems and easy to follow instructions on how to correct it.

First Line Support

When pre-support research and self-service help does not answer the question, or solve the problem, first line support is the next step. In many instances, this is the customer’s first point of contact with your company. It is important they present a professional attitude and an invested attitude toward solving the problem. In most businesses, first line support should be able to handle approximately 75% of customer problems.

Second Line Support

This level of tech support handles complex problems. It should be noted as customers become more tech savvy, living in the digital world, their problems are increasingly complex.

Third Line Support

This level usually involves solving problems in need of some sort of custom work in order to correct the situation because of its complexity.

Seven Tips to Better Tech Support

There are always ways to improve things. This is the case with technical support systems too. Listed below are seven ways in which tech support can be improved.

  • Outsource
  • Emphasize the Importance
  • Implement the Five Levels
  • Control the Conversation
  • Contact Tech Support
  • Listen to Users
  • The Right Tools


Before outsourcing tech support, it is important to consider the positive and negatives. Will another company be as invested as your employees in a positive experience? Remember, tech support is a way to shape the user experience in your favor.

Emphasize the Importance

Technical support should be viewed as important as sales. Just as your business can gain customers in sales, it can lose them in tech support.

Implement the Five Levels

The five levels are incredibly important for positive customer experiences. Quick responses with proven solutions are needed at every level.

Control the Conversation

Chat forums and social media are where users can find information about their problem. Because of that it is important to monitor what is being said about your company.

Contact Tech Support

Make your tech support link easy to find, along with contact information like email and phone numbers. Making it a mystery will help you lose customers.

Listen to Users

While you might think you have the greatest website on the planet, if users disagree, it will hurt your business. Listen to their feedback and incorporate it in site improvements.

The Right Tools

Tech support needs to manage support tickets, customer contacts, and live chat. If any of these suffer so with your business’s bottom line.

In Conclusion

Tech support is a necessary component to any business of today. Let Pathway Communications help you succeed in providing good tech support experiences. We offer cutting-edge managed cloud hosting services for all of your tech-support needs. Why not reach out to find what you are missing?

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